Study Medicine

in Romania

We help you get your study place at the best universities in Romania

Road to Med School Hintergrundbild

Study Medicine

in Romania

We help you get your study place at the best universities in Romania

We make future


Are you considering taking another road to your dream study, Medicine? We have been in your shoes and we know what it feels like! The Medicine universities in your home country have most probably a numerus clausus rule, making it for many impossible to ever fulfill their dream of becoming a doctor.

If you are reading this it means that you also will not give up on your dreams, but what if we told you that you are now closer than ever to becoming what you want?

We are here to offer you the missing piece in the puzzle, the confirmation of your study place in Medicine, in Romania. We will be your buddy, non-stop by your side through the application process, until you will be wearing those white scrubs you look so good in!

Study medicine in Romania

Romania offers many prestigious medical universities, but the top 3 are:

  • Timisoara
  • Bucharest
  • Cluj 

Info events

All our information events are free of charge and take place online so that you can log in comfortably from home. We want to give you an insight into studying and living in Romania. If you would like a personal consultation, simply contact us via our contact form. We are looking forward to meeting you!


For a personal consultation please program an appointment

Info events

Please click here to learn more about our events


Please click here to schedule an appointment

Road to Med School Hintergrundbild

Road to Med School universities - Our favorites


University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Carol Davila


University of Medicine and Pharmacy 

„Iuliu Hațieganu”

University of Medicine and Pharmacy  

„Victor Babes”

4 Easy steps to your dream



Arrange a personal interview to find out more personalised information useful in your particular case



Choose one or more universities and let us handle your application. 



Some universities have an entrance test, but no need to panic! Through our own e-learning platform you will be perfectly prepared!


You did it!

Congratulations! You have been accepted at your chosen university and can soon start your dream study!

With Road to MedSchool to your dream studies

We support you actively during the whole application process

We take care of your application process

You don’t feel like going through endless document lists and despairing about it? No problem! We take care of the entire application process. That means we will send you a detailed list with all the necessary documents we need from you and we will take care of the rest. We will also submit your application(s) on time.

E-Learning platform -
Learning made easy

Using our own learning platform you can relax and prepare for the entrance test. There you will find multiple choice tests, learning videos and even more learning materials. A good test preparation and therefore a good test result is very important due to the high competition for the study places.

Personal mentor -
A helping hand

Who wouldn’t have liked a helping hand on the first day of classes when you got lost in the university building looking for one of the many lecture halls? We show you around the campus and accompany you fully during enrollment. We will also accompany you to the authorities regarding any legal aspect, such as receiving a romanian personal identification number.


Learn more about everyday life as a student in Romania
Learn more in our infoposts about Medicine and Dentistry