Romania is a member state of the EU and therefore one can easily apply for the Approbation, i.e. the admission as a doctor or dentist, in the whole EU. However, this is a very simple process and does not pose any problems.

Your A-levels are of secondary importance, because the only thing that counts for the university is how you scored in the entrance test and whether all application documents have been submitted correctly.

No, this is not possible. The semester only starts in the winter semester and begins in the middle/end of september.

It is a long list of required application documents, all of which must be submitted correctly. If only one document is missing or not correctly certified, your application will be immediately invalidated at the university. We check all your application documents for completeness and make sure that all documents are certified and translated. In addition, we always keep track of the deadlines for the application and the entrance test.
Furthermore, we help you to find your way around the city and the university more quickly, so that nothing stands in the way of your successful studies.


In short: The earlier, the better. This way we have more time together to finalize your application documents and prepare you for the entrance exam. If individual documents such as your high school diploma are still missing, that’s no problem. An early application increases your chances of success.

School English is a good basis for studying medicine abroad. Of course, you will need to familiarize yourself with English terminology at the beginning, but this is easy because you will be surrounded by the technical terms every day.We recommend that you take a TOEFL, IELTS or Cambridge test, as this will be considered positively in your application.

There are many Erasmus places in Budapest, Palermo, Naples, Vienna and many more. If there is not yet an Erasmus place at the university where you would like to do a semester abroad or maybe even a whole year abroad, there is the possibility to create this place with the university. It is not possible to do an Erasmus semester in your country of origin.

Romania is a safe country. Especially Timisoara is a very safe city.

Romanians are friendly and usually very entertaining. That is why it is important to learn Romanian to speak with the people. Especially young people usually speak English very well and are very western oriented and share western values.

Yes, there is the possibility to change to your home country. The best time is after the 4th semester, because then you don’t have to take the German Physikum.

The level of education is very good. You start the clinical part in the 3rd year and therefore it is very practical, which is a big advantage compared to most German students.

The most striking difference to the studies in in Romania are much more practical. Students of human medicine and dentistry have regular practical courses in the laboratory from the beginning of their studies. In addition, students of dentistry can gain their first experience with patients as early as the fourth semester. Furthermore, the medical studies at Victor Babes University are characterized by the fact that you study in small groups. This has the advantage that you have close contact with your fellow students, professors and assistants.